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October 06, 2012


Yep - I know what you are talking about, Blogger Brian. I am 63 years old myself. Besides a 7 month age difference between us, I am disabled and in pain 24/7, and in a couple more months I will be a first-time home buyer.

Oh yeah - and did I mention that I just finished my 2nd (!) bankruptcy and I am pre-qualified for a VA loan with no down payment and no private mortgage insurance?

So how does a twice-bankrupt disabled 63 year old veteran get to be a first-time home buyer?

I have no idea.

You. Are. The. Bomb!

Happy Birthday! Thank you for your happy inspirational post. You made my morning.


Geezers on longboards...
No better testament to the joys of the relatively "unsane."

Even though I have really messed up my left shoulder in a crash (onto grass rather than asphalt, thankfully) I go out again for the unique feeling of rolling around on my Never Summer Swift longboard -- against conventional wisdom.

Thanks again for your inspiring, adventurous spirit, Brian. And, as you suggested, I have a Big Kahuna "paddle" on the way.

The feel of well-carved turns, the exhilaration of way too much speed on a downhill (I still don't know how to stop) and the cries of "you are crazy Grandpa" in my ears make for a very satisfying experience to this unexpected adventurer. I think I know just what you are saying.

Your instinct to do what truly compels you while not caring what others may think or judge, reminds me of one of my favorite, deeply profound songs (and a personal anthem): "row, row, row your boat gently down the stream..."

Stay frisky my friend. Dream on...

Jim, had to check out your longboard. Looks great. I like the description: "the luxury cruise liner of longboards."

Like you, I dream of stopping on a steep incline. But I'm getting more comfortable with handling moderate inclines where there is a runout at the bottom. I drag my Big Stick slightly which gives me the feeling (or illusion) of slowing down somewhat. That helps.

Yes, it's that exhilaration of not being really sure whether you're headed for a crash or a fun ride that is part of what makes longboarding so satisfying. No risk, no reward, fun-wise. At least, that's how my psyche works.

Dude, you look good but damn, you ARE kinda old for this stuff!

Anyway I saw your comment on Lloyd's blog and came here to review yours which is also very groovy. I just bought the Big Stick as a 58th birthday present for myself. Lloyd inspired me to take up longboarding a couple years back and yes I have taken a few spills but have not had to be put down yet. The stick is a really good workout but not nearly as exciting as my 95lb Black Lab who loves to pull me at full tilt down our rural streets. He is really pissed about that stick though!

If you can find High School parking lots or similar on a moderate slope you have an excellent and fun training ground. I sure would like to learn to slide as demonstrated by Kyle Chin in this dreamlike video:


All the best,

Cottonwood CA

Bayrider/Dave, thanks for the video link. Wow. I found it quite moving, even "spiritual" in a sense, using that word as loosely as I like to use it.

I hold out a hope, no, damn it, an expectation, that I'll be able to use the Big Stick to aid in stand up sliding before too long -- "too long" being defined as before I'm too old to do this stuff anymore.

Which will be a while, from Lloyd's experience.

I'm impressed with your Black Lab addition to your longboarding. We have a energetic 50 pound "mutt" (beautiful mixed breed, rather) who probably could pull me along. But the first squirrel she sees, I figure I'd be pulled sideways. Your dog must be more straightforward.

The lab took to it immediately, he's very strong, willing and excitable. I trained him to stay on my right. When I want him to run I squat down alongside him and point forward with my off hand and give him a let's go! I got a body harness so I hook the thin leather leash on top between his shoulder blades, I took the wrist loop out on that leash and I can run over it without consequences, 9 times out of ten that is. I have let go for many a squirrel with him, believe me. He knows to come back up alongside me when I'm rolling and I grab onto the harness or leash again. When you first start with a dog skate/push a little with him alongside, if he comes in front and crowds you, kick the board out fast at his feet and he will learn to stay out of the way.

The 7' leash allows you to stay well behind and slalom back and forth at a full run. It's a lot like wakeboarding, the leash acts as a fulcrum that you are leaning on and into, it actually stabilizes you more than free skating as you revolve all around it.

On the way home I hook the other dog on the left, he don't want to pull me, just poodle along so I can use him as the drag brake and the other one as the accelerator.

Hang loose, I'll check in again some time...

I am 49 years old and I suffer from depression after a divorce (it was not my choice), In the worst moments I was thinking about ending my life. You know.
Longboarding was a breakthrough for a better relationship with my two children. A way to share time together
Sometimes I feel too old for this, or embarrassed at what people think when they see me.

It's good to read your story. You have a great personality.
Best regards from the south of the south.

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