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October 04, 2012


Mr Romney looked like had spent all day getting his hair and nails done. He tried to imitate Reagan's voice. He was hyper. He didn't pay any attention to the moderator. He didn't seem to know any real facts or even his previous statements.

Obama has an actual job. He has to pay attention to details like border conflicts in Turkey or whether to allow a Chinese company to move in next door to a military training facility in Oregon. He offered answers based on facts.

It might have been helpful for his performance if BO had made some of his later statements during the actual "debate."

Robert Paul Howard

According to Rasmussen last night, Romney gained ground in some of the battleground states, i.e. Florida where Romney leads 49% to 48% which is a statistical dead heat.

This is understandable. The reason O lost the debate is that he was unable to defend his economic record.

One thing is for sure. Whoever wins the election will be a liar. So, we have a liar as Presicent now and we WILL have a liar as President on Nov.7. Makes you all warm and fuzzy inside, don't it y'all?

Such is the nature of politics.

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