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October 30, 2012


I just wanted to thank you for your "everything and then some" Oregonian site which I stumbled onto today for the first time. You're writing is fantastic, and yes, you are very "Pacific Northwest". I live in North Carolina now after a job transfer, and can't wait to get out of this wretched place, and your blog reminds me what I've been missing.....stuff you West Coasters take for granted....the smarts you have compared to most people here, the freedom to say what's on your mind without getting marginalized or actually shunned by people, your beautiful wit and creativity (believe me, this trait is nowhere to be found here, as everyone seems to parrot a narrow socially acceptable script), the fact that you actually think about the world, not just viciously partake in tedious gossip about people in the county like you're still living on some fucking plantation! Oh, I could go on and on about how socially strange and weirdly perverse this place really is, under the false pretenses of "southern hospitality" - such a liar's mask, if there ever was one, but I'll spare you the awful details. Anyway, thanks so much for the enjoyable reading. I feel like I'm back home, at least in spirit, whenever I read your blog.

Write on,

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