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September 16, 2012


Thanks again, Brian, for your investigations into longboarding -- they have inspired me to get my 50+ year old bones rolling around again.

Since I can't stop very well, I look for roads that go down and then up again to let gravity accelerate and decelerate. No major injuries yet.

I'll have to try a push pole like this to get around on other terrain. Good idea.

Hey did you see the new "ultralight" electric vehicles?

Check it out (dude): http://www.boostedboards.com/

Jim, I can't stop very well either. But I sure feel more confident with the Big Stick, because now I can stop without dragging my foot on the ground.

Admittedly, the Big Stick works best to stop on mild downhills. But I'm going to experiment and see how well I can stop on downhills with firmer pressure. I just got two replacement rubber blades, anticipating that I'm going to be wearing down my current one fairly fast by dragging.

But, hey, it's still an inexpensive sport. $25 or whatever for a replacement blade. Even if I went through one a month (which I won't), that's much less than the price of a round of golf, or a snowboard lift ticket.

Also... I wrote the Kahuna folks and asked them to make a video that shows "beyond the basics" for Big Stick users. Like, how to stand up slide and otherwise stop with the Big Stick by means other than dragging it.

I told them that us geezers don't have a bunch of bros hanging around with their own skateboards who can offer style/technique tips. I rely on You Tube, but often those videos are done by dudes who don't explain what they're going, are fifty years younger than me, and already knew how to skateboard before they started longboarding.

Here's a 54 year old chiming in. I went with SK8TPole since it is "multidirectional" meaning both the handle ball on top and bottom push pogo stick hoof tip are always are in position to make a manuever. Whereas the Kahuna Stick was more "unidirectional" meaning it had to be in place like a canoe paddle to work. Awesome fun ! Adds a new dimension to boarding. It turns people's heads to see an dude going at it.

Nice to watch the video, It's amazing, Thanks dude

Thanks, Brian, It's amazing!

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