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September 08, 2012


When Ob*ma said voters “will face the clearest choice of any time in a generation,” he understates the fact. The two paths are a twain that shall never meet. His rhetorical skills and mega-watt smile were on full display in his convention speech, unfortunately in service to a vision that would surely bankrupt America.

Instead of a guarantee of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, our culture would be reshaped by a growing collectivist power, vested in the state, that would command ever more resources and control. The claim of “leveling the playing field” is, in reality, a plan to control the outcome.

As famously promised, the financial crisis has not been wasted. The recession lingers for many families. Unemployment remains stuck at a destructive level. The deficit soars — we borrow over $1 trillion a year.

These are serious problems to most mortals, but for him, they are rich opportunities to expand the reach of Washington. The soaring debt is not soaring enough, so more treasure must be thrown into the bonfire of his ambitions. It is a fire consuming the future under the guise of fairness.

This is not mere class warfare. That’s just a tactic. The goal, as it always has been for his kind throughout history, is to accumulate POWER that he can wield without accountability or checks and balances.

Give the man his due. We have not seen his like in our times. His charisma and political skills are unmatched. If only they were admirably used.

Ob*ma promised to unite the country and, his lie exposed, is now determined to win re-election by any means necessary. He may succeed.

Americans, beware of Ob*ma. The wraps have come off.

Dear Brian,

Although I infer that the writer hiding behind the name "tucson" is quite "certain" about his above analysis of the present, and likewise about his predictions for our (potential) future, let us also remember that he also seemed similarly quite "certain" when he informed me that:

They ["the Founders"] did not put slavery and Indian abuse into the Constitution or Bill of Rights.
Posted by: tucson | July 27, 2012 at 09:09 AM

Whereas this contention - no matter how "certain" its statement - was absolutely:

Article I, Section 9, of the Constitution as adopted forbade any law of Congress from forbidding the importation of slaves until 1808.
Robert Paul Howard
Posted by: Robert Paul Howard | July 27, 2012 at 05:08 PM

So - in view of recent topics discussed on your blog - I do question the value of his rather "certain" contentions as stated above.

To quote you (on a different topic): "You're right: people who recognize their uncertainty and potential wrongness usually do no or little harm. It's those who are convinced they are right who end up doing the most wrong."
Posted by: Brian | May 26, 2008 at 07:27 PM

That seemed to me to be reasonably well said.

Robert Paul Howard

Robert Paul Howard said,

"So - in view of recent topics discussed on your blog - I do question the value of his [tucson's] rather "certain" contentions as stated above."

--RPH seems very selective in the "certain" contentions whose value he questions, of which there are many on this forum equally as debatable as my own.

For example, Blogger Brian's certain contention that "Romney wants our planet to get sicker and oceans to rise".

RPH, you flatter me with your obsession with my comments but your obsession is not very flattering to you.


You are welcome to your opinion (of which you are probably quite "certain").

But I do not share in various opinions offered by many on this blog. Hence, when I do comment, I do try to cite actual facts in order to thereby avoid what might be "debatable" (like questions of "flattery").

But thanks for your attempt at insulting me.

Robert Paul Howard

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