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September 24, 2012


It costs practically nothing to grow marijuana. It is prolific and extremely hardy. It's a weed, after all! This will make it difficult for state-licensed outlets to stay in business, because everyone will be able to grow their own pot in their back yard garden, window box, or hydroponic set-up in the basement. The state government will reap no appreciable benefit in the way of revenue from the legalization of marijuana.

Surely, the motive for putting such a measure on the ballot is freedom, right? I have a bridge to sell ya......

I think I disagree that most people will grow their own pot. Growing takes time, money, and "care" for the plants, not to mention a place to grow it. Assuming it won't be ridiculously overpriced in the stores, I personally would rather just get it there. I'd assume they know what they're doing more than I, and that the quality is going to be better. It's also readily available, whereas self-growing would take time while the plant grows. I might throw a few seeds in the ground and see what happens, but I don't think I'd rely on it. I also like edible THC products, which take more time to make. Think about how many people make their own alcohol instead of buying it, or grow their own fruits, vegetables, livestock, etc.

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