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September 14, 2012


I pre-ordered a black 32 GB on Friday at the Verizon store...delivery scheduled for 9/26. Brook and Zack are going to wait in line on the 21st. Can't wait!
Oh, I am also a new owner of a Burgman 650 . It's a white 2006 with only 10,000 miles.

Jerry, congrats on both purchases, the iPhone and Burgamn. I sold my '09 650 Exec a month or two ago. Had three years of enjoyment with it. Seemed time to move on to other pursuits -- like the longboard skateboard I'm playing with now.

Am learning to use "sticks" (Kahuna Big Stick and another model) to push the board rather than use my foot. Makes it a whole different experience -- lot more aerobic going up mild hills; good upper body workout.

You helped me decide to jump to Verizon when you got such good reception on your iPhone at our house. So thanks for that. I'm looking forward to jumping the AT&T ship.

Have fun with the Burgman. Me, I always wore full protective gear and a full face helmet. But each to his own. I've fallen a few times on my longboard and was glad I was wearing gloves, kneepads, etc. At my age (and yours), it takes longer to heal.


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