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August 16, 2012


At first I was drawn to the MBPr 15 because of the screen, because I want to replace my six year old Dell with another worthy, photography-friendly laptop that has a dedicated GPU and a decent screen that I don't have to prop to just the right angle to see colors properly. The problem for me is the price, because it's just too high for my budget.

Then the rumors of the MBPr 13 caught my attention, and it sounded like a dream come true. I've been biding my time until the announcement comes from Cupertino. The problem for me here is the realization that my Inspiron 6400 is a 15" laptop that I sometimes struggle between zooming in and out of images for editing, as it is, because I'm in my 40s and am bad about wearing my progressive lenses.

So, like you, I may yet talk myself into the 15, despite having to make payments on it. If it lasts six years like my Dell, it will have been worth it. I'm not especially optimistic about the lifetime of the MBPr, because it's the least repairable of the MacBook Pros to hit the market ever.

In the next few months, I'll mull the choices over, and who knows, maybe another option will have hit the market by then.

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