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August 02, 2012


Dear Brian,

Maybe you really do need to get over your childhood Catholicism.

Robert Paul Howard

I continue a love-hate relationship with both browsers. You might try Blog It for Safari extension:

Yes, Mr.Hines, I think you should get off your knees in front of the Apple gods and own up to the possibility that Chrome may be the better browser, and one that's always being improved on just as Apple and its acolytes claim for everything Apple.

Must everything Apple be better? Isn't Cupertino allowed to fall a notch short of perfection, as Apple certainly did when it sprang its first Lion on us, filled with little problems that required untold hours of reconnoitering, and trips to Apple Forums to find out how to paddle beyond whatever shoal had us stymied?

And before that was fully done, along came Mountain Lion a scant few months later, if I recall, in my eyes threatening much more paddling, so I've just held off, avoiding problems that might be caused by the "improvements."

I just can't believe Steve Jobs would have let the kids drive Lion out of the garage in that condition, much less bring along an OS with another oh-so-tough-animal name a seeming five minutes later. But maybe that's just me, and like you I think Chrome is the best browser out there.

Which is, I think, probably why Apple may have planned what happened (at least to me) as soon as I and a few thousand others downloaded Lion: my Chrome browser could not be made to keep working at all, much less flawlessly, and it took several weeks for Google to come up with a version that was compatible with Lion.

Just what are the edges Safari claims to have over Chrome, which is obviously my favorite too? All the best, Mr. Hines, and thanks for giving me a most interesting post to read on a Friday night. --Mort Persky in NYC

Mort, since I got my 13 inch retina MacBook Pro I've gone back to Safari. So the Apple gods are happy with me. Here's some of the reasons:

Chrome isn't as well adapted as Safari to retina displays. Text in Chrome is decidedly grayer. I came across a post which showed enlarged fonts in both Chrome and Safari. Chrome uses thinner lines, so letters don't look as distinct. Once I noticed this, I wasn't happy using Chrome, as I read a lot online.

I also really like Safari's "eyeglass" feature -- can't remember what it's called; that's the icon on the very left of the bar, eyeglasses. It's an easy way for me to keep track of web pages I temporarily want to remember rather than bookmark. Chrome doesn't have anything like that.

The more I use Safari, the more I like it. I do prefer the look of Chrome, retina display drawback excluded. But Safari seems just as fast and reliable to me, if not more so.

Thanks for the heads-up, Brian. Not sure if I'm gladder to hear Safari's better or sadder to hear that Chrome's falling behind. One thing about the Chrome team, though -- they're always at it, so Chrome is eternally a work in progress. Of course, the same thing has gotta be true of Safari.

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