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August 16, 2012


"I am completely disgusted by the Oregonian's increasing right leaning perspective. I guess we should always cowtow to the Federal government? No wonder mainstream newspapers continue to lose readership. Goodbye Oregonian, you lost another reader."

--So, it's the left way or the highway? Sounds like a petulant child to me. I subscribe to the local paper which is very left leaning which I tend to disagree with. Still it is good to hear a variety of viewpoints and there is also plenty of non-partisan info. You take the good with the bad like everything else.

Politics are very emotional. Humph! Too many right wing articles...slam the door and walk out of the room in a huff. That'll show 'em.

Oregonians: be prepared for a modicum of social upheaval if pot gets legalized in your state. While the threat of the feds getting involved with enforcement at the casual user level is minimal, they have ways of making it difficult to get things done. No Pell Grants, no student loans, no FHA mortgages for pot users, no fed disaster relief funds, the list goes on and on.

And don't forget: the Oregonians who do not vote to pass the measure will exhibit prejudice against those who do, if the measure is passed.

You guys are gonna get awful tired of pissing in cups every time you turn around.

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