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July 19, 2012


I like your style..... It looks smooth.

David, wow.. I didn't even know I had a style. Thanks. I've ordered some padded protective shorts, and kneepads that are easier to put on (without taking shoes off). Then I'll progress to trying out my long board on our long sloping driveway.

My Big Goal is to learn how to slide. Seems to be a highly desirable skill. How else can you stop quickly when going downhill at a fairly fast pace?

Hey David, I think we have found the next Tony Hawkes lol.
In a few months time he'll be doing all those skateboard tricks

bend your knees, loosen your trucks, check for wheel bite. Look where you want to go not where you are (good advice in general).

If you do not have hard wheels they wont slide. 96's are the minumum.

put ball off back foot in line with rear truck. rear truck tighter than front truck.

front foot will align naturally


Playing Tai Chi can improve the function of your immune system and make you stronger and healthier. It is a slow and gentle exercise that especially suitable for the senior.

Very nice post regarding Thai chi and compression among Thai chi long board and stock board and the video session is also huge contribution.Good luk

I do the same thing while riding the subways in NYC. Most passengers instinctively reach for the metal pole to support themselves, but if you choose not to hold on you can sort of surf through the ride while focusing on keeping your knees bent and continually shifting your center of gravity to keep your balance.

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