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July 03, 2012


Did you do it?

Our park district has a learn to skateboard class for adults. Do they mean me?

Categorically, everybody, young and old, looks ridiculous on a skateboard. That has never stopped anyone, however - humans are ridiculous creatures to begin with (in a nice way).
If all of the other activities you engage in are not enough, go ahead and add this curious pastime to your list.

Ann, a belated reply. Yes, I did it. And yes, the class is definitely for you. Just do it. Dude. That's the message of tonight's blog post about my initial longboarding experience:


no doubt you should try it! here in Brazil I saw a woman probably around 60 years old having classes in a street skate (I find more difficult than the long board)! if you get a good teacher, he/she will help you and give confidence to continue.
btw, i am 35yo and i used to skate at my teens, and a few years ago i got back riding my skate. now i am also having classes, as i want to advance my skills. i am feeling VERY happy (and more confident, balanced, etc) with that, and this sensation is priceless! i really recommend skating to everyone!
good luck and enjoy it!

Here is one more plus-side :)

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