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July 31, 2012


Generally I feel weed should be legalized and regulated similar to alcohol.

One reservation I have is that the drug will be even more accessible to kids who I think are harmed by its use. Yeah, I know it is readily available to many teenagers already but if there is a jar of buds in most households like alcohol is now I think more kids will be sneaking a few and lighting up more frequently.

I have seen regular weed use dissipate motivation in a lot of kids, like me once upon a time. Also, weed may not be strongly addictive for some people but it is definitely habit forming for others. Again, not good for kids, imo.

Marijuana is a Schedule 1 controlled substance according to the USDEA, and the chances of that status changing in the foreseeable future is virtually nil.

The fact that individual states are actually putting the possibility of legalization of marijuana use to the popular vote must mean that the federal government does not have the authority to prosecute individuals possessing or using the substance in the state where it is legal. I find that hard to believe.

The greatest injustice to precipitate out of the legalization of marijuana will be the continued incarceration of already-convicted pot users who will never be able to get their lives back to any semblance of acceptable comfort.

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