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July 17, 2012


All of the changes to life "as we know it" due to global warming will be forced, unstoppable, irresistible, and inevitable. And did I mention a foregone conclusion?

I am not a climate change denier. But what I do deny is that the human existential situation should, or even could, be any different than it is now. My life is essentially behind me and the end of it is in sight, so the impending changes in the environment due to weather patterns can do nothing more than possibly foreshorten the time I have left to breathe.

That air conditioner ten feet behind me has been cranking away for the past two months straight. The only way that it is going to stop is if the power goes out or it breaks down.

And that's the truth. (picture Edith Ann giving you the razz)

" ... The time for dealing with global warming is now ... "

In case you haven't caught it yet, the time for dealing with global warming was around a thousand years ago.

[The rest of your comment hasn't been published, because I have a policy of not contributing to climate denial misinformation -- which includes the inaccurate links you included with your comment.

However, if you include a link to your Facebook page, or other proof of your "real world" identity (name, address, etc), I'll publish the rest of your comment. Because then people would know who you are, and that you proudly stand behind your anti-scientific views.]

Where have we heard this before? Maybe it was the extreme July-August 2010 heat wave that killed 56,000 and led to massive crop failures.

Climate Progress Headline 8/11/2010: “Climate Experts Agree: Global Warming Caused Russian Heat Wave”

NOAA Study 3/09/2011: “Natural Variability Main Culprit of Deadly Russian Heat Wave That Killed Thousands”

Big Oil

DJ, if you read those two articles you linked to (rather than just the headlines), you'll find little conflict between them. Climate scientists will come to somewhat different conclusions about the meaning of specific weather events.

But the NOAA article also certainly warns of the dangers of human caused global warming:
While a contribution to the heat wave from climate change could not be entirely ruled out, if it was present, it played a much smaller role than naturally occurring meteorological processes in explaining this heat wave's intensity.

The researchers cautioned that this extreme event provides a glimpse into the region’s future as greenhouse gases continue to increase, and the signal of a warming climate, even at this regional scale, begins to emerge more clearly from natural variability in coming decades. Climate models evaluated for the new study show a rapidly increasing risk of such heat waves in western Russia, from less than one percent in 2010, to 10 percent or more by the end of this century.

“It appears that parts of Russia are on the cusp of a period in which the risk of extreme heat events will increase rapidly,” said co-author Martin Hoerling, a research meteorologist, also from ESRL.

Dole called the intensity of this heat wave a “climate surprise,” expected to occur only very rarely in Russia’s current climate. With the possibility of more such events in the future, studying the Russian event better prepares scientists to understand climate phenomena that will affect the U.S. and other parts of the globe.

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