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June 09, 2012


Congratulations on your new Volt! We've had ours for over two months, 1900 miles, and so far only filled up once for $23 on April 11 after a 220 mile road trip.

We agree with the visibility issue. The side and front pillars are wide and the rear window is narrow and split. We do have the backup camera and parking assist, but lane changes are cautionary. We also have a Mini as a second "gas guzzling" car. We're averaging around 180 mpg with Volt versus 30 mpg with the Cooper S.

Nearly everyday we find something new that we like about the Volt. Yesterday my wife commented on how great the stereo sounds (even better than the one she liked in the Lexus we traded in - We also did not think we'd be buying an American made car - Our last USA made car was the GM EV1). Today she commented on how well the AC works on the HOT summer Phoenix afternoons.

Keep up posted on your continued thoughts about the Volt. We are having no second thoughts! It's the most amazing car we've owned and for us and our commutes is saving us money each month after trading in an SUV that averaged 13 mpg.

. . . Jack in AZ

Jack, our families share an excellent taste in cars. We also own a Mini Cooper S, along with a Highlander Hybrid SUV for longer trips when we need to bring a lot of stuff, plus our two dogs.

I really like the Mini, which I drive the most. The Volt primarily will driven by my wife, so I won't have to deal with the poor rear visibility as much as she will.

Have you looked into any aftermarket rear vision/blind spot aids, like an extra mirror thingie? Don't know much about them, but I've seen them attached to the side mirrors of other cars, so they must be of some benefit.

You like Corn Nuts? They're fried, overly salty and so dry its like chewing gravel;then once you swallow your mouth and throat gets coated with the residue requiring a large gulp of beverage to wash it down-stick to Popcorn!

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