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June 15, 2012


Your reasoning is rock solid and I agree with every point. But after seeing the retina display in an apple store in Columbus Ohio, I had to have the new box stay tuned.

Steve, you've hit on the core flaw in my oh-so-practical plan to replace my MacBook Pro with another basic MacBook Pro: the lust factor.

I read a lot of books about neuroscience. Decisions flow from a combination of fast-brain (intuition) and slow brain (reasoning) processes. Both are important. Both are valid.

Before I test drove a Mini Cooper, my head was telling me "A basic Mini hardtop is less expensive, gets better mileage, and is a lot of fun." But after driving the base Mini, I took the same test drive in the S version.

"Damn," I told the salesman. "I've got to have an S. It just sounds, drives, and feels so much better." Same could happen with the Retina MacBook, for sure.

Hi there,
I have a MacBook Pro 15" which I bought in 2005 when the MacBook Pros first came out. It's still working really well, is in beautiful condition because I look after it tenderly, but I have noticed a bit of slowness (irritating slowness) when I'm doing some things on it. And, like you, I've also been in the throes of a lust attack with regard to the Retina Display machine... but your blogs have helped me step back and think really hard about how long I want a machine to last.

Frankly, I would like one to last as long, AT LEAST, or longer, than the time this beloved MacBook Pro has lasted. I mean, it's a lot of dosh to fork out isn't it?! And I don't think that the new Retina one will do that. I would dearly like to buy a MacBook Pro 17" but it looks as though Apple isn't going to make any more of those. And I'm really cheesed off that Apple thinks that people don't need a DVD slot in the new machine! What's that about for goddsakes??

Anyway, Kyle Wein's opinion of the Retina display machine was very helpful, so thanks very much for including it in this blog. I'm such a twit I didn't even know that people did things like break a computer down completely to see how fixable it is!

And that's probably clinched it for me. I'm going to stick to the older MacBook Pros if I can.

Still wrestling with the Lust Demon though... a bit...
Paddy O'Dea, London

Retina is a lust. It might be good for someone into hardcore photography and video specially in colour grading.

but for tech savvy or first time mac user or a mac user planing to use for long time will go for the Non Retina as upgradable options are more and user friendly.

Apart from that to make Apps look good all developers will make GUI and icons and related stuff to Hi Res as they made for new iPad and this in turn will start occupying more space...

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