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June 13, 2012


Thank you for making the case for higher taxes to cover external costs of oil. Too few people understand this need to internalize those costs. A gas tax is relevant and, as you say, incentivizes efficiency. We should be all about efficiency.

Reward efficiency / Punish waste.

Good bumper sticker!

How to buy a good fuel efficient cars in Inda? pls give some suggestion and cars model...

wha wha wha, tax tax tax, it would be fair to just tax the miles electric cars use.... if they can afford a high priced electric car they can also pay for the miles used...

To have a car is easy but to maintain of the car is really very tough. From my own experience to buy a new car while having a old one is a tough task. In that both the car maintenance will became a headache .But when the older car not in a situation to continue anymore and if there is any life risk in those cases we should buy a new one because life is more important than car. So in those cases we can have a new car. Mostly in case of gas car the possibility of maintenance is more than the fuel car and electric car.
audi repair calabasas

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