I'm sure the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 555, had other reasons to endorse a proposed 2012 ballot initiative here in Oregon -- the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act, which would legalize and tax marijuana consumed by adults.
But when I saw the Portland Business Journal story, all I could think was: Smart move for a food group. Munchies!
There's also some marijuana legalization news from Washington state today:
The other ballot measure is Initiative 502, which would essentially legalize marijuana, regulate it, and tax it. Washingtonians seem to like pot even better than gay marriage, as the initiative is passing 50-37. That's thanks to a substantial crossover from Republicans, many of whom are libertarian-flavored in the northwest: While Republicans oppose same-sex marriage 82-10 in this sample, they're only 68-22 against legal marijuana.
TIme to buy stock in Pacific Northwest munchie purveyors.