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May 20, 2012


Well, then Oregonians need to wake up.....they read the internet so maybe they will. Word needs to get out to them. So here it is: May Election: Do you know who Judge Douglas Van Dyk, Clackamas Court is? He's a dominating older man who must be asleep at his job now and gives prejudice to men winning custody and family law suits as well as other law suits. Don't vote for him-don't reelect him in May. Look at his files of cases...who did he usually side with-the men in the case. I've seen him work....he just forgets what the woman presents in the case....a whole days of evidence/witnesses down the drain for her...he doesnt' even remember what she presents....then he gives the floor for the man to present much more time....than the woman....he lets the man do as much hearsay as he likes...he's a lax judge when it comes to letting the man do what he wants....but the woman-oh-he watches her like a hawk-he's not going to let her make a mistake in court....but the judge makes plenty of mistakes..he forgot her whole day of evidence and when reminded...he says "I don't remember about that," so she has to disregard all the email evidence that he recognized points proven the day before....and he only remembers what is presented last to him in the case most often....then he looses his temper..he makes judgments where he frequently tells me they can order the woman around to take away their parent time or give it to them at the man's whim....and it's find for men to bully their children and woman...he laughed and repeated that comment a lot in a raging tantrum....he just laughes at morals in family court....he has poor character.......towards the woman...he's suspicious of her...the man can do no wrong to him....is he biased....the woman need not show up for the case....he can't and doesn't care to perceive character of the man...the man is a man and he will stick up for the man's rights and the woman-she has no rights. That is what I've seen. Please don't vote for him .....we need fair judges in our system.....not men judges who are determined to dominate like Van Dyk.

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