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May 14, 2012


Good ol' Mary J. Warner. What a "bone" of contention, eh? Law enforcement people who have even the slightest sympathy for weed are in for a troubled career.

Marijuana is a Schedule 1 drug and the DEA hastens to warn all and sundry that possession and/or use of the stuff is a violation of Federal law, whether it is for state-sanctioned medical use or recreation. In essence, the fifteen states that have medical marijuana statutes are giving certain individuals permission to ignore Federal law. The Feds will prosecute an individual who is using marijuana for medicinal purposes if even the slightest deviation from state statutes is observed. And you can be completely assured that users will be monitored.

I gave up smoking marijuana as a full-time habit more than 30 years ago, and I haven't smoked a joint in 20 years. Even with the benefit of hindsight, I remain ambivalent about the whole issue. Fot the sake of some semblance of social order, it is probably better that marijuana remains illegal.

I have observed that MJ agrees with some people and many others not, including me, although I have smoked a bunch mostly in the 60's but also a number of times in recent years. I just don't see the point in making my lungs feel like lead and muddling up the view.

I would guess that even if they were giving away for free handfulls of the finest bud on every street corner of the country every day, many people, probably the majority, would not want it.

For this reason I do not fear legalization of weed. There will still be sufficient ambition to keep the world running. Weed smokers tend not to be violent or destructive and they drive better than drunks for the most part.

If it does so happen that more people are lying around stoned, that could be a good thing. After all we are looking for a solution to the consumer paradigm that is polluting the planet. With more people lying around too stoned to earn, produce and therefore have money to buy and consume...it could save the world! ;)

tucson, I'd argue with you about stoned people lacking ambition, but I don't have the energy... whatever, dude...

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