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May 22, 2012


Maybe add kevlar chaps, steel toed boots and a helmet with mask for future jobs. I consider a successful chain sawing event when there is no blood.

Sounds luck you were lucky, no blood no foul

Brian, I thought you were more cautious that this implies. And I'm shocked that you'd put so little thought and rumination to the project after the first near fatal accident before you repeated it... twice!
It is amazing that you are still among the living. Miss ya.

Maggie, I'm both cautious and impulsive; controlled and spontaneous; analytical and intuitive.

Too much thinking ruins my day. Also, too little. In general, I prefer erring on the side of taking chances, rather than being too cautious/conservative.

But there's a proper balance. Live and learn. When I've told this story to someone over the past few days, almost always the person relates their own "you can't believe what I did" tale.

I did get another insight into what could have happened up on that ladder.

A friend mentioned that the branch likely would have knocked me off the 5-6 foot ladder onto hard asphalt while still holding the chainsaw. Not good (to put it mildly). So a whack in the chest might have been the least of my problems.

Thanks for sharing! I just bought a stihl ms 250 and am still getting the hang of it. I guess a lot of the "rules" are common sense but there is still a lot I need to learn. http://www.turfteam.com/pages/Brochures/UnitDetail/77021

You were lucky man! Take more care in the future! :)

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