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May 24, 2012


Nutter attributes the 2009 budget to Bush. That would normally be correct.

But as has been widely written in the last few days Nutter fails to note a few things:

1) $410 billion of the 2009 budget was an Obama-signed March 2009 adder (raising it from $3.1T to the $3.52T Nutter uses in his math).

2) Obama was a member of the Senate Majority who approved the original $3.1T of the 2009 Bush budget in the first place.

3) Many 2009 budget items (TARP, stimulus, auto bailout, loan mods) were one time items – yet Federal spending is still way above 2008 levels as if 2009 is the new norm. So, even if the 2009 spending binge is 100% attributed to Bush – how is the current continuation of spending at that new level not considered the continuation of binge spending by Obama?

BUT…whether you side with Nutter or his detractors on the debate above…there’s a more revealing message here about the cynicism of both Republicans and Democrats in Washington:

Think about it. In the form of further stimulus the Obama administration wanted 2010/2011 spending to be higher that it was – only to be rebuffed by Republican obstruction. That created the resultant lower spending numbers that the DNC is now crowing about and that the Republicans – rather than take credit for – are trying desperately to dispute. Only in Washington.

Big Oil

This country is, by and large, being run by self-serving jackals as clearly demonstrated in DJ's comment.

However, Ob*ma is not stupid. He knows the situation is grave regarding the debt crisis (how could he not?), but he wants the country to implode so it can be neutered and remade in the image of European socialism. Look how well that is working out. We could look like Greece as soon as next year.

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