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April 13, 2012


I've been doing West Coast Swing for 10+ years, but I wanted to let you know that you're on the right track. I've done ballroom, latin, salsa, country, and just about every other type of dance, but it's hard to compete with the versatility in music and style of WCS.

Also, if you're looking for some other great leaders to emulate, a few of my favorites are Arjay Centeno, Ben Morris, and Jordan Frisbee.

Learning WCS will take a little longer than most other dances, but it will be well worth the journey!

Dance on my friend!

i think you should put a bug in your tai chi instructor's ear... he and his girlfriend should take wcs dance lessons!

Denise, your request is my command. Just forwarded the RJ Dance Studio May dance schedule to a certain Warren Allen, with this note:
Hmmmm. Just got a comment on a blog post about West Coast Swing from a "Denise Duede" which said, "I think you should put a bug in your tai chi instructor's ear... he and his girlfriend should take wcs dance lessons!"


By an amazing coincidence (the Great Tao has a plan for you), there's a beginning West Coast Swing series starting next month at the RJ Dance Studio: Wednesdays, 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Nice timing. Here's the email for your consideration.


Hey, I too fell in love with West Coast Swing recently. I've actually gone far into the rabbit hole by becoming a west coast swing DJ. I just wanted to offer encouragement and best wishes in your new endeavor. If you're ever at a WCS event where I'm DJing, stop by the booth and say Hi!

Also, when you get sick of Lady Gaga, I've started a west coast swing music blog recently. I'll be posting song ideas periodically, so check it out if you want some new music.


thank you for sharing :-D

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