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April 03, 2012


I have one and love it. Surprising how much the metal card makes me feel good about it! I thought I was immune to such gimmicks...

David, the way I see it, marketing experts are way ahead of me when it comes to understanding what makes me want to buy something. I just accept that I'm manipulatable and go with the capitalist flow.

On a credit card discussion site a guy told about trying to put his Preferred card through a shredder. It just about wrecked the shredder, leaving the card numbers readable.

He recommended tin snips to cut it up (scissors would be useless, my weapon of choice for plastic cards).

Its a fact that Plastic business cards can promote your business but quality of card and resolution of picture on card matters. Hope metallic card works.

I too have the same card...First credit card I've ever bragged about.

Can you clarify for me the 20% off on booking travel through their web site? Is this only when you redeem points or do you also get it when you pay for the trip out of pocket?

Brian, I'm not sure. I recall that when I redeemed points for two airline tickets, I had to also pay for some of the trip out of pocket. I'm pretty sure I still got the discount. Whether this applies for a trip paid totally out of pocket, I don't know.

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