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April 26, 2012


Indian traditional ways are quite helpful in curbing this global waming issues.... Like in India people worship 'peepal tree' as it provides oxygen 24hours a day and usually they don't cut this tree. http://dilkhichdi.blogspot.in/2011/11/peepal.html

In my mind there is a huge distinction between a denier and a skeptic. Skeptics actually have an optimistic leg to stand on in that climate scientists concede the other part of their research that for the most part, demonstrates human induced global warming.

And considering that our grandchildren and perhaps children will all have a lot to lose if those super-computer models are correct, the only way I can explain today’s skeptic is those who wear convenient blinders made from a good dose of optimistic rationalization. And honestly, I don’t blame them.

It’s no fun to believe that our world will be toast within decades.

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