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February 15, 2012


Villebois is a planned community, and it's been commercially successfull - it seems. I wouldn't compare it to what's happening at Fairview. That place is crunchier, greener, and more hardcore in those values than anything over at Villebois. Villebois is one of those "new urban" communities springing up in suburbs around the county. I agree that it's a much better kind of suburban development. However, it's a kind of plastic place where - on their website - they give you advice on what to bring and not to bring to a cafe like in Paris. Oh brother.

I share your anger over that mess at the bus depot. Why would anyone vote for any of them especially Patty Milne?

Scanstan, I agree: Villebois is much different from Fairview -- geographically, environmentally, conceptually, economically, managerially.

I've never been to Villebois, but I've perused the web site. Mostly, it doesn't appeal to me much, whereas I could see my wife and me living at what Fairview was planned to be when our rural small acreage lifestyle gets to be too much for us.

We were early investors in Sustainable Fairview Associates, so I'm intimately familiar with what Fairview was planned to be, why those plans fell short, and what has happened so far through Pringle Creek Community (a great sustainable development which also hasn't achieved its full potential).

What I don't know, because of my current outsider status after we sold our SFA shares, is where Fairview is headed; what the City of Salem could be doing to encourage its success; and whether the city powers-that-be are as supportive of Fairview's redevelopment as they used to be.

I'll probably write a follow up post tomorrow. Might add some thoughts about Fairview, in addition to more detailed suggestions for investigating why Courthouse Square problems weren't addressed much more quickly and effectively.

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