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February 02, 2012


It would be one thing if Komen said, "We don't like abortion, so we are going to stop funding organizations that provide abortions." Like it or not, at least the organization would be straightforward about what it was doing.

I think it got caught by two related forces: first, and more important, was the fast and furious public backlash. Second was the realization that if it truly followed its new policy, it would have to cut off funds from every other organization that is the subject of federal, state, or local investigations, a side effect that its management didn't expect.

A friend of mine insisted that PP "survives on abortion." When I explained that abortion was 3% or less of the services they provide, which was hardly "surviving", my friend said that birth control pills are an abortifacient, so she would stand by her statement.

Far more than I ever wanted to know about a friend, in fact, a bridge too far. Thankfully, the outpouring of support for PP would seem to indicate that such opinions are radical fringe.

With all the stuff coming out about Komen, they can backpedal all they want to, I will never support them again. You hit it on the head with "handmaiden of right-wing crazies."

I think KF should simply have told PP that their contributions are to be used only for mammogams, pap smears and cancer related care and not abortions. After all, KF is a cancer foundation. PP can secure funds for abortions elsewhere.

Cf. lines 3-5 of the fifth paragraph (of text) at: http://ww5.komen.org/uploadedFiles/Content/Footer/MediaCenter/planned%20parenthood%20winer-09.pdf

Robert Paul Howard

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