Why, Oregon State University?
Why would you contract with the federal government's animal killing machine, Wildlife Services, to indiscriminately set traps for fawns, racoons, coyotes, dogs, cats, and any other creatures able to crawl under the OSU sheep farm fence?
Predator Defense is asking. My wife and I are also. There are much better ways to protect livestock than by killing wildlife and endangering family pets.
There are numerous alternative non lethal practices available and used world-wide to keep sheep and lambs safe besides killing wildlife, including the use of “New Zealand fencing,” hot wires around a fence line, the presence of guard dogs or llamas, OSU staff shedding and/or corralling the lambs at night, and a human presence in fields and pastures.
Watch this short video of what's going on at Oregon State University. Then take action to stop the needless killing.