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January 01, 2012


It was good to finally meet you in person, Brian and to see Laurel again. I'm glad your fears of just another awkward afternoon were unrealized. I was fortunate to be able to meet so many cool people in Salem so quickly. It's a paradox I have often thought about - that it's the stuff we don't like about this world, the injustices we fight against, that bring like-minded progressive folks together. But often that resistance to injustice fosters new ways of looking at things, new ways of doing things and creative communities emerge. Occupy pushed us to re-examine organization, politics, community structure, democratic process. I think this is a difference between progressive activists and Tea Party types - among progressives resistance to the powers that be leads to a search for better ways of being. Anyway, thanks for coming. I'm glad you had a good time.

Tashi delek.

(I think Bobbie Cade is the woman who told you you're wrong about Salem being boring.)

"I'm fine with majority rule. That's how democracies are supposed to work."

The rule of the lowest common denominator.

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