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January 09, 2012


You forgot the moment they stepped out of the cab in SoCal. "What is that thing in the sky! Argh my skin!" Classic. Also the kid going door to door with a cause he knew nothing about, being overly mothered. "We all know plastic bags cause pelican cancer." Portland, Spot-on. Maybe you should come back up here, get out of Salem.

You couldn't be more correct in your analysis. I don't know Portland, I've never been there, furthermore I know absolutely nothing about its culture. From an uninformed individuals standpoint I too keep asking myself "is that supposed to be funny?" I kind of figured maybe it was liberal humor that as a conservative I just didn't get, or maybe it was artistic and I was missing it. But I really don't think it's either of those as they do make fun if over liberalised issues on a regular basis, and overly sensative things fairly consistantly. But the episodes do start out going in one direction and never truly end with closure or progress the themes they introduce in the begining. Maybe that's the point though, and the show is non linear and the deviations are simply seperate sketches. I watch the show not simply because it's on TV, but because while most of the time not causing laughs, it is original. It's one of those shows that could, if it finds it's pulse, and developes, be funny and interesting.

Two of the greatest shows to ever air on TV, cheers and sienfeld, were very slow to take off, but they were backed by their networks, and are simply testaments to how entertaining a program can be. In a day and age when we demand instant gratification and most shows aren't given the time to develope, it's nice to see a program like portlandia has been given a chance to develope. If cheers or sienfeld were fresh on the networks today, they'd be canceled after 6 episodes. Something to think about.

I think the we're missing the big picture here. While the show was based on Portland's "weird" energy and culture, the show has to be adapted to it's "lore" and not it's accuracy.

Truth be told, if the show actually depicted Portland in a more fair manner, it just wouldn't be funny.

In fact, as someone who lives outside of the entire North Western experience, this show, through it's exaggeration, KIND OF makes me want to MOVE to this area for the layers of sweet, caught in between the crazy.

Just my nickel.

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