Do you think Mitt Romney is a guy who will add jobs to the American economy? Think again.
He's a job destroyer, not a job creator. He doesn't care if people get hurt when businesses shut down, so long as CEO's like him make loads of money.
Here's the proof: a persuasive video, "When Mitt Romney Came to Town."
Watch it and weep... for the workers whose lives were torn apart by Mitt Romney. If you don't have time for the full 28 minute video, there's a three minute trailer.
Romney did nothing wrong. He restructured businesses to make them more profitable. In the process, people lost jobs, but other jobs were created. Such is life. The strong survive and so it goes.
His ruthless ability to restructure businesses is exactly the mentality that is needed to clean up government waste, downsize it and get spending under control.
Sure, jobs will be lost but does anyone really think things are going to get better before they get worse?
No matter what Romney does as President, most of the US debt will have to be written off because the fact of the matter is the US cannot afford to pay it. The US will need to make some changes, though, before that is agreed to.
The real problem is that the US has had a structural trade deficit with the rest of the world for the past 30-years. This problem can be solved in two ways. One is to keep using the US dollar and wait until US living standards fall to third world levels before the US is competitive again. The other is to realize that 90% of the dollars ever created are now outside of the US and the interests of those dollar holders are not the same as those of the United States. That means the US needs to issue Treasury dollars of their own and devalue them relative to the international US dollar. That will mean the Chinese stuff in Wal-Mart will suddenly become more expensive but it will also mean the US economy will be competitive once again.
Posted by: tucson | January 12, 2012 at 10:34 PM