Every year I struggle, for a whole fifteen seconds or so, to come up with a theme for our Christmas Letter -- which we call, with marvelous political correctness, "Holiday Greetings from Laurel and Brian."
Once again it was easy to identify a zeitgeist for 2011. Unreal. Such has become our favorite way of handling reality: treat it as illusion.
[Legal disclaimer: this only works with brain-stuff such as emotions, worries, fears, and such. Ignore a red traffic light and your results almost certainly will differ.]
So here's our totally unreal 2011 Christmas Letter, a.k.a. Holiday Greetings. Read it and you'll thrill, if you're easily thrilled, to photos of our favorite people -- us -- plus our favorite, not to mention only, granddaughter.
Plus, plus, Serena, our family dog who also enjoys pretending to be a canine that she's not.
Download 2011 Christmas Letter (PDF file)
Download 2011 Holiday Letter Word (Word file)
Merry Christmas. May your ears, and other important parts of you, be as perky as Serena's in 2011.
"...our favorite way of handling reality: treat it as illusion."
The mind keeps trying to wrap itself around the mystery until it throws in the towell.
Posted by: cc | December 26, 2011 at 01:33 PM