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December 13, 2011


Thanks for the link. I just sent Lowe's a message to please not give into bigotry. (My message was more polite than yours.) It amazes me that such a large company seems to have no one at the helm.

Did any other companies cave in to the bigots' threats of boycott?

Estelle, apparently quite a few did. Here's a news story that mentions some other companies:


"The Florida Family Association, a Tampa Bay group, has led a campaign urging companies to pull ads on “All-American Muslim.” The FFA contends that 65 of 67 companies it has targeted have pulled their ads, including Bank of America, the Campbell Soup Co., Dell, Estee Lauder, General Motors, Goodyear, Green Mountain Coffee, McDonalds, Sears, and Wal-Mart."

Some companies mentioned are denying that they pulled any ads. So this needs to be checked out. Lowe's for sure, did it.

If I had a business that advertised on TV and I'd been reluctant to buy time on that show, I'd be buying it now. It's better for greedy capitalists to be politically correct than not. Just ask Walmart.

I wrote with your link. Thank you

We should boycott Oregonians!!! You sound like anti Americans. Your all a bunch of snubs. Get real and back this country ! Picture above is clearly that of a child molester and woman hater. Do us all a favor and turn your self in to authority's.

Kevin, I'll get right on it. Thanks for engaging in such great detective and diagnostic work on the basis of a single photo. Wow, you really understand me perfectly...WRONG.

Kevin Sharp, you don't sound very sharp. "Snubs"??? "Authority's"??? Grow up, idiot.

I'm completely content with muslum bigotry from lowes. in fact I will now exclusiively shup at Lowes just for this rason... Thank you Lowes.

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