What are global warming deniers going to do, now that every country in the world has agreed to cut greenhouse gas emissions?
OK, more accurately every nation has agreed to work on a future agreement that would commit them to binding greenhouse gas reductions. But that's still a heck of a lot better than doing nothing, a reason to smile about the Durban climate change conference.
And it leaves those deniers without any place to lay their anti-science heads.
One hundred and ninety-four countries signed on to the Durban agreement. That, Wikipedia tells me, is the entire roster of member states and observer states in the United Nations. So no matter where global warming deniers go, they'll be in a nation that affirms the reality of human-caused climate change.
Somehow I suspect they'll manage to carry on, though. Now it just will be tougher for them to justify their ridiculous conspiracy theories.
How is it that Al Gore and his merry band of left-wing One World environmental activists have managed to convince every country in the entire world that action needs to be taken to cut greenhouse gas emissions?
Wow, that's a lot of power.
Al Gore must be able to control the governments of China, Israel, India, Russia, Brazil, Bhutan, Saudi Arabia, and all the other nations on Earth -- plus the United States. But, hey, reality, reasonableness, and facts don't matter to climate change deniers.