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November 14, 2011


This always annoys the hell outta me too, and I say this as a conservative republican deist. I just love it when every candidate trots out this divine mandate that somehow they - through days and nights of sweaty, feverish prayer - have been given holy endorsement as God's hand-picked and anointed voice and righteous might incarnate on earth, and should rule over the lives of other people, since God is too damn busy to do it himself. Who are they fooling? Do they really think God picks winners in politics any more than he picks winners in high school football games when both teams say a prayer before the kick-off? I also love it when an entrenched politician says they are "called" to service, as if somehow they didn't really want it, but feel obligated not to piss off the universe. Their love of power has NOTHING to do with their answering the call, and fighting like dogs to keep it.

I am pretty sure that if you confronted all of the conservative religious candidates with the fact that they all claim to possess a divine mandate, they would all reply with a version of Crabtree's Bludgeon, which states: "no set of mutually inconsistent observations can exist for which some human intellect cannot conceive a coherent explanation, however complicated".

The problem with each of your arguments (Brian, Dan, and Willie R) is that none of the candidates appears to be saying they believe God has chosen them to be president – only that they’ve been called to run – and beyond that God’s will be done. Maybe God called on each of them to run for no other reason than to vet and strengthen the position of the ultimate candidate – or maybe to highlight the superiority of the current resident of the White House – so that the voters can make an informed choice. Both teams may say a prayer before kickoff, but I’ve never heard a team ask God for the win. If you have and didn’t ask for the coach’s resignation, the shortcoming is yours.

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