Friends of Marion County, a land use advocacy group my wife and I are close friends with, is having a "Farming or Folly?" community forum this coming Thursday, October 6, 2011 at the Salem Public Library.
See press release info below.
I'll be attending, because I haven't made my mind up on the farming or folly expanded uses question.
Some people don't like the idea of a winery, say, being able to host marriage parties or other events. They consider that bringing a hundred or more people onto farmland isn't really appropriate, and fear non-farm uses will steadily erode the character of Oregon's rural areas.
Well, given how tough it is to make a living as a farmer these days, I lean toward giving farmers quite a bit of leeway when it comes to making a buck. But maybe I'll learn stuff at the forum that will lead me to change my mind.
Farming or Folly?
Expanded Uses on Farmland
Friends of Marion County, an advocacy group dedicated to sustainable land-use policies, is sponsoring a community forum to take place Thursday, October 6, 2011, 7 PM; Salem Public Library, Anderson Room “A”, 585 Liberty St., SE, Salem.
The forum, “Farming or Folly? Expanded Uses on Farmland” will focus on a Marion County ordinance and also increased types of activities allowed on farmland due to laws passed during the 2011 legislative session. Legislative issues for 2012 will also be discussed.
Panel members include David Epling, Planner, Marion County Public Works; Steve Berrios, Inspector, Oregon Liquor Control Commission; and Steve McCoy, Farm and Forest Staff Attorney, 1000 Friends of Oregon.
The public is invited to attend and participate in the discussion. Refreshments will be served.
For further information contact:
Friends of Marion County
Roger Kaye
[email protected]