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September 10, 2011


Update: today I got this email message from Salem Nissan, which is most encouraging. This is the way businesses should respond to consumer gripes: non-defensively, showing a commitment to improvement.

Nobody is perfect. For sure, car dealerships aren't. Responding positively to consumer feedback shows that Salem Nissan is on the road to becoming a better place to buy a car.

Here's the message:



I apologize for what has happened and wish it were me who had the opportunity to have assisted you. This is my second week working for Salem Nissan, and I do value your input based on your experience with us. Your previous email will be printed out and personally handed to my manager. If this was the way you were treated here, then quite frankly, changes are needed to be made to prevent this from happening once more. Once again, even though I was not here, I apologize for what had transpired and will do the best that I can to prevent the same mistake from happening again.


Dude, stop saying you live in "rural South Salem". You live in the 'burbs. Congrats on the new car.

Stan, we are a very short distance away from having a Jefferson address. JEFFERSON!

We live on ten acres. Cougars and coyotes wander around our neighborhood. We're across the street from the Ankeny Wildlife Refuge. So, yeah, we're rural. This isn't the suburbs.

You want proof? There's no way to walk to a Starbucks or a McDonalds. In fact, there's no way to walk to any store. Nope, this ain't the suburbs.

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