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September 05, 2011


I think your observations are right on. Now if you can explain why the Beavers lost.

Dino, how about this pithy theory: "OSU sucks"

It lacks detail, but feels right to me.

The tactic you describe... with the set and then wait, is how Oregon uses the entire play clock to kill time so the opposing team has less time on offense to score. However, I'm not sure when you saw them using it, because you typically want to use it when you are in the lead and wearing down the clock is favorable to you... The only time the Ducks had the lead was going into the very end of the first half. Using this tactic any other time in the game is simply for the hopes that the other team will tire in the set position, and fall off sides, drawing a penalty. It also pisses off the crowd, as they came to see an action packed game.

You are wrong on politics, economics, and once again you are wrong on Universities. "Ducks Suck". Look, it even rhymes.

Let's get back to your politics. Like how your President is vacationing and campaigning us into a better economy. The tough part about being incumbent is you have to run on your track record.

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