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September 13, 2011


We have had Yellow Jackets living in the dirt strip next to our house for years and they never bother anyone-Do you kill all the honey-bees you find on your property because they might "sting" someone?-Just leave them be(or bee)and treat them no differently than you would a butterfly!

DJ, as noted in this post we don't spray yellow jacket or wasp nests unless they are near our house or a walking path, and are exhibiting aggressive behavior.

Here's what we said in an update to the "Killing yellow jackets in their hidey-holes" post that I linked to in this post. We shared some links that can be explored by going to the original post:

[Update, August 2006: My wife has asked me to point out that yellow jackets aren't all evil. They are part of the balance of nature and do quite a bit of good. So if they aren't causing trouble, the best thing to do is leave them alone. Also, know the difference between bees, wasps, and yellow jackets. Bees rarely are aggressive and are very beneficial.]

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