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September 03, 2011


A plug in hybrid like the Volt make so much more sense to me than the Leaf. No range limitations with the back up gas motor. And soon there will be many more plug in hybrids to choose from.

Power density. That is the name of the game, pure and simple. How much energy can be stored in the smallest possible physical space?
There is not too much room for improvement when it comes to batteries capable of fulfilling the power demands of a vehicle weighing thousands of pounds and capable of hauling human beings at highway speeds. Any improvements will be incremental, and developmental costs will increase logarithmically. And, you still have to burn fossil fuel to produce electricity; not to mention the fuel burned in producing the batteries.
For short trips in the spring or autumn, when there is no need for climate control, headlights, or wipers, and you have the luxury of long charging times, then an all-electric vehicle could be a pleasant novelty, albeit a relatively expensive one.

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