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August 04, 2011


That's exactly why I would never wear an American Flag lapel pin or display an American Flag. The terrorists might get the idea that I sympathize with their agenda. (sic)

Oh shit! Not only am I a Democrat but now I'm also a terrorist.

Damn, I'm Busted !
Brian, don't rat me out...just look the other way when you drive by my house !

Wayne, I knew it!

Now it makes sense, all those dynamite trucks have been parked at your place, and those wildly crazy chants in some foreign language I hear in the middle of the night coming from your house.

Don't worry. Remain undercover and you should be all right. Your cell will support you. I've counted at least a dozen other habitual flag flyers in our immediate area.


Seriously, my thanks to you and Laurel for all the work you have done on behalf of the Neighbors...I greatly appreciate it.

Wayne, seriously... we appreciate your appreciation. Our neighborhood's fight against the well-threatening subdivision was tough and expensive, but one positive aspect was that it brought people together.

We've enjoyed getting to know a lot more of our neighbors, including you. It makes me feel good to think that you've still got a beautiful view across the street, rather than was planned. And, no, I don't believe you're a terrorist. (I'm pretty sure.)

People can disagree about politics and agree about so much else. We're all people, much more than we're conservatives or liberals, R's or D's.

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