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August 30, 2011


I found this post.......comfy.

I have to agree. There is nothing as nice as holding a book in your hands as you read.

It sure feels better than reading off a kindle, saying that though, I do like my kindle and it is very handy when travelling - holds loadsa books and you can get a new book whenever you want as long as you have some sort of signal (which you usually do to Amazon online shopping anyway.)

You can underline parts of interest and bookmark a page on a kindle but there is nothing as nice as a florescent pink, yellow or green highlighter to mark selected passages that mean something to you. Also I miss being able to dog ear a page when I am reading on my kindle (which is mostly how I read these days) and not only to show you where you are at in a book but also dog ear'ing' the bottom of the pages that you want to access again.

Some people might call my physical books a mess. Me? I call them artful with their own unique style of luminosity, markings or what have you.

If they brought down the prices of physical books I still think the e-book will win over in most cases cos as I say, it is available more readily with a bigger range and the only travel to get a new read is through cyber space in a very short time.


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