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August 26, 2011


Living in a city a Nissan Leaf seems perfect for me and the car looks really good. For the occasional out of town visit ( once.twice a year) it seems that charge stations are to be placed (here in Ireland)all along the likely routes I will take. That leaves me only one worry. I am somewhat afraid that if I buy a current version of the Leaf and the spec especially regarding range extend dramatically in 2014/15 or so, will my current Leaf have any resale value

Frank, your concern about resale value is why we'll lease a Leaf if we get one. This also is why we leased our Highlander Hybrid back in 2006, as we anticipated that hybrid technology would evolve more quickly than it has.

When the Highlander lease ran out after three years, we paid Toyota for the remaining value of the car. It turned out that the value, estimated via Kelly Blue Book, was higher than the lease buyout. So in this case new technology didn't reduce the value of a hybrid after three years.

I suspect that electric vehicle technology will evolve more rapidly. Like you, we wouldn't feel comfortable owning a Leaf. Leasing one, we would. I suspect most Leaf buyers choose the lease deal, but I don't have any statistics on this.

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