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July 25, 2011


Brian - were you also required to wear a helmet? You may be confident in your riding skills enough to refuse one, but if a horse does not want you on it's back, you are getting off, one way or the other.

Willie R, like most horse lesson/riding places we've been to, Into the Wild gives adults the option of using a helmet. It's recommended, but not demanded. (You have to check a box on a form saying you decline a helmet, if that's your choice.)

I wore a helmet. So did Jahn, the owners, and his wrangler. In fact, all six of us on the ride did. I'm a believer in helmets, though I didn't wear them until a few years ago. I started off with one that hurt my massively-brained protruding forehead and got a Tipperary a few months ago.

Great helmet. I love it. See:

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