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July 13, 2011


Why don't you hire some illegal aliens to take care of that portion of your property? Here in the East, no self-respecting homeowner would be caught dead caring for their own properties. It's so...declasse!

Willie R, I've considered your idea. But ... (1) like I said, I love my hateful annual mowing; and (2) I doubt that anyone else could do what I do anywhere near as well. I'm emotionally invested in our property, and I'm also scared of my wife.

So I'm a lot more careful about not cutting down small trees that she's planted than an illegal alien would be. They could run for Mexico if my wife discovered that a cherished tree had been mowed down. Me, I live with her, so I've got no place to hide.

Neighbor Brian,
I know what you mean by the hard work of Mowing...I have to mow mine too. The best way I've found is to wear a shirt with a big pocket, big enough to hold a cold bottle of MGD, get on your Tractor and activate the rear mower. Go slow so you don't shake up the Beer ! You should allow for a few pit-stops to get refills.

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