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June 01, 2011


Coffee *is* something we have to take seriously. And there is something to deal with every time we go to a coffee house. Mine is all those paper cups I use in order to avoid the hazzle you go through each time you bring your own Thermos cup. They linger in my conscience because I know it's not good for the environment. Therefore, lately, I brew my own coffee at home if time permits.

Nice looking mug there Brian. I agree you do have too much time on your hands, but... I have a solution.

You can have them fill it the 16 line, and them man up and and take a swig of it. With any luck you will knock the top 1-1.5oz off and you will have your room to wreck the rest of the cup with milk or cream or... whatever. That way, you get your money's worth (don't ever pour out nectar of the Gods (or whoever for you))

Coffee is serious business. Straight up is the way to go.... Don't even get me started on the caramel mocha choca lata ga ga people. We have candy bars for that.

Dan, excellent suggestion. But your mention of "man up" points to the only drawback for me: I much prefer the taste of coffee once its been milk'ified.

Yes, I can drink it black. it just doesn't have the same sensuous smoothness that way. Also, sometimes the first couple of sips are damn hot. That magnifies the "man up" requirement.

And it takes a bit of time to do the sipping, particularly if I have to mutter, "damn, that's hot!" between every sip.

Still, you've hit on a strategy that doesn't waste coffee down the trash bin yet still gets me a full 16 ounces for my 16 ounce payment.

As to the mug, it's one of the most satisfying purchases I've ever made. I love the retro Thermos name on the side. And its absolutely leak proof, so long as the lever is pressed all the way to the closed position.

There are hundreds of glowing Amazon comments about this mug. That helped me decide to buy it. They can't all be Thermos employees, can they? It keeps coffee warm for hours and hours. And I really like a mug that doesn't have a preferred sipping side. You can pick up this mug and drink from it at any angle. Beautiful.

My quirk is that I can't enjoy my home brewed Starbucks French Roast (sometime mixed with Italian Roast or a third, a third a third with a local roaster's Expresso) unless I drink it out of a Starbuck's paper cup with a plastic sip lid. I don't care what size. Even a short works for me. When I buy a pound I ask to buy some cups and they usually give me a few free. Note: you can use them about 4-5 times before they get soggy and start to drip on your shirt. Yes, coffee is serious business.

You COULD always just add the milk to your thermos first... No? Yes?

Joan, belated reply to say...excellent idea. Since I prefer soy creamer, I actually bought an insulated bag that could be used to carry some with me for my frequent visits to coffee shops.

However, I continue to have this admittedly weird and rather irrational idea that when I buy a "grande" mug of coffee, I should get the full 16 ounces.

So what I usually do now is say "no" when I'm asked if I want room. Often the barista still leaves enough space in my beloved Thermos mug to add some milk.

If not, I just sip some hot black coffee until the level has dropped enough to add milk. This allows me to feel like I'm getting my full caffeine fix from the 16 ounce coffee I've bought.

Like I said, weird and irrational. But those words don't scare me. Much of my life is based on them.

Jesus Christ don't waste the goddamn coffee man. Just say no. There is nothing worse than a greedy wasteful bastard.. Especially one who's claiming to do good.


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