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May 30, 2011


Looks like how I imagined Sach Khand

Your garden is delightful, Brian. And, it provides an insight into the way you think and your overall attitude toward life. Of course I realize that it is not a solo effort, and I conclude that your wife feels much the same way as you, at least when it comes to aesthetics.

Your garden is lovely. It is very much like the Japanese Gardens we just visited last week-end in Portland. Nice job. We also were at the Chinese Gardens same week-end but they have a different feel which I am interested in incorporating more of both into our place but we let the sheep roam outside of our fenced spaces which means they bonsai what wasn't intended to be bonsai-ed!

Absolutely gorgeous! And I know what you mean about more eyeballs seeing it making it easier to spend all that time. Our yard was on a garden tour in April, and part of our motivation was exactly the same!

Also loved your geezer comments. "Embrace your geezerhood" has been my motto for a while now!

Gorgeous, very pleasurable to you both I'm sure!

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