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May 07, 2011


Well, Boston does have a significant advantage: "More than 250,000 students attend college in Boston and Cambridge. Thousands more attend the colleges in the surrounding suburbs." But Tallahassee?

In my opinion, marijuana is not addicting like other hard drugs or alcohol. Also marijuana helps people with ADD, makes them focus better, and sometimes learn better.

Just moved here and for ranking number three this shit sure is hard to find.

Katie, the good news is that likely soon you'll be able to drive across the river into Washington and buy your ounce from a state-sponsored marijuana outlet.

As you're probably aware, possession of less than an ounce here in Oregon carries a penalty akin to a traffic ticket.

Unless you're blatantly blowing smoke out of the window of your car as you cross the bridge back into Oregon, you'll be fine. And once you light up at home, you'll be even finer.

I can't wait. The waiting game is no fun. Thanks for the info. :)

Regarding your "hard to find" comment, I find that a bit hard to believe -- and I'm ancient, 64 years old.

Plus I live in Salem, which isn't nearly as hip and cool as Portland. Younger people likely are more tuned into the marijuana culture, but I find that mentions of marijuana use are common among even the geezer'ish.

As a last resort, you can contract a health problem that qualifies for an Oregon medical marijuana card. Don't you feel some intractable pain coming on?

Earlier this year I had an eye pressure check. When my optometrist walked into the exam room her first words were, "Good news: you might qualify for medical marijuana."

However, after a re-test the better news was that I didn't have an early sign of glaucoma. Still, I was mildly disappointed.

I just moved here from Louisville, KY. Super shy, that doesn't help. Plus I never can tell who "those" people are. Lol I am 26 with a few health problems. In January when my insurance kicks in I will be attempting to get a card. Loving it in Portland so far. Oregon is such a beautiful place. Hopefully next time around we follow suite w/ WA. :)

I have a card for a progressive, fatal, hereditary neurodenerative disorder and would like to know where the heck people smoke around here? I medicated primarily with cannabis hemp oil but would love to smoke once in a while (gonnna die anyway), but the whole town is no smoking???? Isn't it a huge fine for smoking in public?

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