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May 14, 2011


Brian - why not gamble on your basic good health and drop your health insurance? You can use the money you save on premiums to pay for prescriptions and treatments for pre-existing conditions. Hospitals cannot turn away patients who have no insurance when there are life-threatening conditions that need attention. Afterwards, they will come after any money that you have but you can cross that bridge when you come to it.
Obamacare will fully kick in about the time that you have Medicare in your crosshairs, and who knows how that will pan out?

I am in a predicament myself - I am also 62 and out of work on Long Term Disability. My LTD benefits may cease in the near future, which would mean that I would no longer have paid health insurance. I could conceivably make it to Medicare without benefit of health insurance, but I am not in good health and I have a laundry-list of pre-existing conditions which require tons of prescription medicines to keep at bay.

I just had spinal surgery (for the 2nd time) last month and the differential between what my insurance paid and what the doctors and hospital/labs billed for services is enormous. The whole health insurance issue is mind-boggling!

I totally disagree with last comment. Sure hospitals have to give care if a person is in an immediate life threatning condition but they don't have to give things like chemotherapy for cancer which can cost thousands of $ a time. If you need that you can use up your retirement savings real fast - if you have enough $ in that to beat the cancer you probably won't have enough left to enjoy retirement.

Gmardee - that is why I prefaced my remarks with the words "why not gamble?" Of course, if you develop cancer, hospitals and doctors are not going to offer you chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery for free. These sorts of treatments can cost HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars, not just thousands.
Unless there is a history of cancer in your family, the odds are in your favor that you will not develop it. Nobody wants to die, but everyone does, just the same. From all indications, Blogger Brian and his wife are pretty healthy, based upon what Brian reveals in his blogs. There are no guarantees, but the risk of going without insurance for less than three years might be worth taking, especially since the health care reform bill will mandate that health insurers provide coverage to persons without regard to pre-existing conditions.

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