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May 16, 2011


Checking out Zillow.com, there isn't much of an active sample east of Prineville, but what's built in 2008 two houses nearby, both for sale) and is standard 3br2a and something a bit under 2ksqft is listing for $289k. That makes $200k as a cost figure pretty reasonable IMO. I perceive the developer's lawyer will get to define it for themselves in their amendment, and county court will be fine with that. Lawyer suggested average comps, which will probably be a lot less than $200k. Even if it's $150k or so, that's still not enough.

Glad to hear people are working hard paying attention to what's napping with land use in every corner of the state.

Torridjoe, thanks for the research. I find it extremely difficult to believe that new homes in that part of Crook County are being built on average for less than $200,000.

In the course of fighting a Measure 37 subdivision in our area I did a lot of research of my own using Assessor's Office data. Houses in the under $200,000 price range are in a low class, very basic.

People who build houses on small acreages usually construct them to higher standards; that's a rule of thumb in appraising -- cheap small lot and cheap small house go together.

I'm sure the developer's attorney will play the "mobile home card," like so many Measure 37 subdivisions have. But the common law of vesting requires that the total cost of a project be based on development plans prior to the effective date of Measure 49, not a cooked-up plan for cheap mobile homes made in a desperate effort to be vested.

The Court of Appeals is familiar with these sorts of games. I don't think such will succeed in this case.

I too have had problems with this counties planning director following the law. Like you say, he chooses to ignore state laws and do as he pleases. It is called crooked county.

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